Celebrate life
Events & celebrations
in the 5*S Hotel Dollenberg
Weddings & birthdays, company parties & conferences
Laugh, chat, dance, enjoy together ... isn't happiness with others and as a result of others not the most beautiful kind of happiness? Especially when people come together to celebrate the great events of life, the Relais & Chateuax Hotel Dollenberg with its award-winning cuisine and enchanting park is the perfect place for unforgettable moments.
Your location for special occasions
Weddings & celebrations
Elegant atmosphere, exquisite food, excellent service - and all this in the most beautiful Black Forest heights. Everlasting. Unforgettable.
Conferences & Seminars
Conferences & seminars
For an outstanding performance, it is best to choose an outstanding seminar or conference hotel. As motivation. As incentive.
Chapel & Amphitheater
Chapel & amphitheater
Our 70,000 m² park with chapel and amphitheatre offers wonderful opportunities outdoors and under the starry sky...
kitchen Party
Kitchen party
You can also book our highlight for gourmets with award-winning cuisine and live music exclusively for you and your guests!
Hotel Park
High above the roofs of Bad Peterstal-Griesbach you can stroll for hours through nature and experience wellness in a natural way. The various gardens invite you to dream and in the amphitheatre, in the warmer months, you can listen to a beautiful concert.
Cultivated entertainment in the Dollenberg
- for hotel guests -
- Nightlife in the bar! With live music, lively dancing music or refined piano music ... jazz, swing, standards
- Outdoor concerts on Sundays in the amphitheater (May to October) with the best traditional and brass bands in the region
- Special events such as the Miss Black Forest pageant
- In our Renchtal cabin: every Wednesday a hearty cabin evening with live music; raclette evening on Thursdays; Fondue evening on Mondays
- We also celebrate the national holidays of other countries!